Tuesday, December 22, 2015

the one with Thanksgiving dinners, a week early! and Three-day training!

This is my favorite time of the year! and it went SO STINKING fast last year, and now things are already going so fast, I'm sure that this is going to be the fastest 2 months of my life! last night we had a turkey dinner at a member's house, apparently she's been trying to friend request jonah on facebook so she can send photos, but he hasn't responded. You can also go on and join the "texas mcallen moms" group on facebook, in my old area a member used to always put photos of me on there.

This week we also had three day training! it was much more spiritual this time, last time it seemed more about efficiency and planning and all the administrating part of the work, but this time it was all about consecration and thinking about others and not yourself. I was working with Elder Pulsifer (who's in corpus christi) and Elder Hallmark (who's a zl in Brownsville) both are guys I knew when I was in Laredo South Zone! they're both great missionaries, and I learned a lot. we were able to find a few pretty cool people!

this last sunday at church we confirmed "Bobby" a recent convert that got baptized a week before I got here. he's super cool and felt the spirit super strongly! we had two other confirmations as a district and 1 baptism! I'm super happy with being a district leader here! I have a bad feeling I'm leaving though, it's just a hunch. so don't send christmas packages to the apartment, the mission home will be best. I finally got all the letters and the journal from dad. I loved the story in Jean's! it made me so happy!

I love you guys a lot! I'm super excited to see you all on christmas! (if the beutlers want to participate, they're more than welcome! they are my second family after all! :) ) it's a high of 69 whole degrees! BERRRRRR! talk about brisk! I'm starting to use sweaters almost everyday! haha! my bike was really sucking this week, but all of a sudden it started working phenomenally! not a full blown miracle, but definitely a tender mercy!

The ward here is great! we only have 3 meal appointments on thanksgiving (which I'm going to prefer to the other Elder's 5! but we'll see, there's still time! haha!)

Love you all lots! I'll write you more next week!
-Elder Duerst!

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