Monday, May 16, 2016

The one with 3-day and the last AP exchange!

This week we went down Early tuesday morning to McAllen for our 3 days of trainings from the president, his wife, and the assistants. we had to drive down two cars that were getting retired. it was hard on our zone's miles to take 2 down when we could have all fit into 1, but it's ok. 3 day was really good, all the trainings were good!... but after being in the mission so long it seems to get more than a little repetitive. (there's only so many times you can hear about David! haha) I learned a lot though. I got a chance to work really close to my old area in llano grande, and even tried to see some recent converts, but they weren't home.
Then the APs came up to Corpus to work with Eisenhut and I. it was really good. we did our weekly planning together as a zone for about an hour. then let them do in on their own around the church, and we just bounced around helping them learn how to plan more effectively and such.
I was with Elder Rosero, he's a new AP and is going home with me. It was cool to be with someone else going home, we could talk about lots of the same feelings we both have. I learned a lot. especially about was to use District Leaders better.
This week has been good. we found a cool new lady who came to church. we introduced her to some other young couples in the ward it was great and we have a lesson set up with one of them tomorrow.
I'm starting to show my age in the mission. it's hitting me how close home is, I'm starting to feel less and less motivated to do some of the remedial stuff... but it's ok! I just need to find something to kick me in the butt for the next couple of weeks!
-love you lots! Elder Duerst!

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