Thursday, June 26, 2014

Week ONE :

I am only given an hour each day, so am going to have to type very fast, and not very well. (not mention the fact that I am not used to these Mexican Keyboards!) I was the only one on the plane from denver to dallas, but at dallas there were probably three dozen more missionaries, both sisters and brothers. then another 30 come in on another flight that had to go to atlanta then back to dallas which sounded absolutely terrible! The first day we had a little bit of time to just unpack and relax, most of which I used to find my companion, Elder Van Katwyk. He is from Cali and loves the drums.  the first night sleep was terrible! I swear they gave me a box spring to sleep on! I started just piling up all the blankets they gave me (2) and use my one as an actual blanket! the first day was by far the hardest! we had a LOT of very boring meetings and had to wear our suits the entire time, and it was hot! The president is President Pratt.  It rains here every night, because it is the rainy season.  I have been learning a lot of spanish! My teacher is named Hermano Cruz. he looks EXACTLY like Fez from that 70s show! my whole district had to teach our first role planning investigator at the end of the second day!  I figured our future and subjective tense yesterday on my own, which I am very proud of! I was also glad to hear that my branch president, president Romerro almost made me district leader! he said that the determining factor was that the district leader becomes my companion half way through the 6 weeks here, and he didnt think my companion would do well so he pick someone else! that was both flattering and frusterating at the same time! the food here is very interesting! I am getting as much of the experience of it as I can! the weirdest thing I have eaten were these enchiladas that had the chocolate sauce-stuff on them! but I still at them, because I want to experience all I can here in Mexico. Mexico city is absolutely massive! there are 24 million people and 7 missions in the city (largest city in the world, by population, if I remember human geo. correctly) then the CCM is right in the middle of it all, just this little 91 acre paradise! it used to be a high school (for the super rich I assume! until the church bought it!) It has all been getting better and the days have been getting easier! All of the missionaries in the district think I am so funny (obviously!) just a little inappropriate at times! but that is just a breath of fresh air in this place they say! however all of them were talking about going over the hour on the email on purpose just because no one would know. I told me companion, we WOULD not be doing that! it has been an exhausting experience and all the other Elders are very home sick, it is probably because that is ALL they talk about, I tell them that is stupid but they do it anyways! I am just ready to be out in the real field and out of this fenced in place of none stopped learning! If you write me back fast I can write you back! am glad to hear everyone is healthy and happy! I am glad to hear the move went well, and that you got so much for the car, I really do feel terrible, but this whole mission thing is a nice distraction! (also, Im going to always have better resolution photos for when I get home, the one with just me in P day clothes was right after I got a hair cut by people that didnt speak any english and I am proud of that!)
-Love You Lots! Elder Duets

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