Thursday, July 10, 2014

I am still very bad at using these Mexican keyboards... so I´m pretty sure that I´m taking twice as long to type as I should be! 

As far as the scriptures go, I would really like a new set, but if you are going to just send me a used one, I´ll keep on using my old ones that at least have my notes in them. or I´ll just try to pick up I new set in McAllen, but I doubt they have much more than a distribution center if that. And I think its worth getting the smaller set. I few missionaries here have them and they seem really nice... especially when Im having to carry everything around in spanish and English in the field. but maybe we should just wait, because they may make us buy myself an ipad for the mission. (which seems a bit silly) but that would cost 400$ so I dont want to spend that and another 70$ for a nice new quad. so we should just wait.

I started to read the book of mormon again monday. I am reading extremely fast and really just looking for everytime the would ´joy´ (or any form or synonym of it) comes up. when I´m down I´ll write a page or so about what I learned about the topic. Holland said that he does it, and I think Paul said one of his mission presidents did it as well, so I thought I would do it too. I got though about 300 pages in 3 days and will finish well before sunday.

For sunday we have to write 2 talks to make up for testimony last week, which I think is VERY stupid, and in protest I havent started yet, and dont plan on putting very much energy into it!

Last Sunday´s testimony meeting went very well, except for the fact that my companion spoke english half the time in his testimony, which was more than ANYONE else, even the district that just got here three days before sunday! It was very frustrating to have him continue to take learning the language to not seriously! I feel bad for his trainer in 3 weeks! but until then I feel bad for myself, because I have to practice teaching fake investigators with him for another 2 weeks!

Every night before bed, all the Elders in the District come into the apartment we live in and we have ´Bro Night´ where we basically just joke around and write in our journals! and two nights ago one of the Elders named Fuller (who was trying to Make fun of me all day) was saying something stupid... so stupid that I just had to make fun of him! It was so funny that the entire District, minus about two, were literally in tears laughing. he stormed out. I guess he couldn´t take what he was dishing out all day. I think he´ll think twice before you tries to start making fun of me again! I felt a little bad, for like a whole hour!

For Devotional we had Elder Andersen, which nobody expected because the general authorities usually get the month of July off from speaking to people. It was a very lack-luster Devo. and everyone like the pre-recorded ones that we watched in the past weeks by Bednar and Holland. but it was still very good!

I bought a USB from the store for about 8 dollars US and am looking forward to stealing all the music that years of missionaries have put into these computers here in the CCM! President Pratt hasnt been here for a while, went up to Utah for medical reasons with his wife for medical reasons... and the place just seems less grumpy with out his presence! We Better be going to the Temple visitor center next P Day! or I´ll... actually I wont do anything, just probably be annoyed! I am So ready to be out of here and in the actual field! Even though I hear more and more about McAllen every day! like this week I learned that they have tarantulas and cockroaches! and apparently the tarantulas eat the cockroaches, so you just learn to live with them! that brings living among the spiders in the basement to a whole new level!

I hope everyone is having a good week! I´m Learning Lots of Spanish! Be good! Love Elder Duerst!

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