Friday, July 18, 2014

The first and last time i'll eat blue cheese dressing...
... it was really bad, and I did not enjoy it. that is all! haha

I am glad to here that my bike has made it to the mission home safely! nobody wrote me back anything about scriptures, which is kind of frustrating, but whatever. 

My companion and a few of the other Elders in my district really like to all go in the bathroom and sing together. the weird part is that one of them is in the shower, the other is always pooping, and the the third (my companion) is always just banging on random things while trying to beat-box! it is very strange, but occasionally all the Mexicans that live near us will come into our apartment randomly and listen to them! it is all gets very strange as soon as the clock hits 10 here!

Sundays are always the best, they are a break from classes, which exactly what we need, because after P-Day everyone is just done with the week! After Sunday to Today actually went very fast! probably the fastest week of the mission so far, which was nice! I also finally convinced my roommate, Elder Wagner (a massive man, how loves two things in this world, food and working out, and you can tell) to trade me for one of his ties that he got from the tie exchange the first week. I really liked it because it reminded me of one of the ties that I brought with me, and sure enough they are the same kinds of ties! they are both ´Wembley´s! Who knew?! On Sunday I also finished reading the Book of Mormon again, I did it in 6 days, and didn´t retain much, except for the topic I was looking for. this week I have started reading again, but much slower!

We convinced our Teachers to FINALLY start giving us feedback after each time we teach them, as fake investigators! and of course every time that me and my companion teach we don´t have time for any REAL feed back, which is unimaginably frustrating! but whatever, I guess if we suck, it´s because the only feed back we got in the CCM was ´Good Lesson´or ´Good Job´!

Yesterday we helped all the new missionaries get there things off the bus and to their houses! we didnt get any help! what´a Gypp! there were 400 missionaries when I got here a month ago, and by the time I leave for Texas there will be over a 1,000! and it is becoming very evident, especially during meal times! but I only have to deal with the chaos for a few weeks, and not 6! 

That is all, I love you all, be safe! I´ll talk to you next thursday, and hopefully the Monday after that on the phone!

P.S. one of my new roommates is named Botello, I thought it was about as close to a mexican version of Boteler there was.

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