Sunday, April 12, 2015

more holiday cards! and james's baptism!

they are having us go all out and hand card out and get people excited for the new Easter video that the church just released a few days ago! ( they did almost the same thing for Christmas! but for Christmas they gave us a whole month and now they only gave us a week to hand out like 250 cards to everyone!
My address is still 1608 Westmont Dr. apt. #1 Weslaco, Tx. 78596, but transfers are coming up in a week again! (hallelujah!) so I may not even be here! so if you have anything to send, you should either send it real fast or just send it to the mission office!
we finally had a baptism! it was James' and it was so unimaginably stressful! we called James like 15 minutes before his baptism and he said he was sitting at the park thinking! so we had to have one of the members pick him up! a few of the members were telling us that we shouldn't baptize him yet, he wasn't ready if he wasn't even on time to his own baptism, and of course the zone leaders tried all they could to have us just do it! at the end of the day it was going to be our call to do it or not, so we just took James to the side and asked him what he wanted to do! sometimes the most simple solutions are the ones that are best ones! so we ended up having a baptism... finally! Right after we met this really cool guy we've been trying and trying to get a hold of! he's super cool and really a tender mercy during a very stressful day!
on Saturday we also had "barbacoa!" which is the meat from a cow's head! I expected them to put a cows head on the table but it was already off the head and looked just like a greasy pile of meat! it was pretty good!
I've started trying to run in the church every couple of mornings, I've been gaining all my weight back, it seems like no matter how much we bike, it doesn't even come close the to how much food we get! but that's ok! I'll start trying really Really hard to lose weight when I get closer to coming back home!
It's good to hear that everyone is doing well, I hope that Devin is doing well, (I couldn't tell if he's had his surgery or will have his surgery) I love you guys a lot! I got Jean's letter! it was great (and very manly! haha!)

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