Sunday, April 12, 2015

the one with the Okies and overly touch-y newly weds

today the big thing that happened was that we spent a couple of days helping these members from Oklahoma, we were told that they were moving into our area, but in actuality they were helping family friends strip their house of anything of value, because the government had bought the house for some electrical pole or something weird like that! so we helped them for a couple of days. the non-member woman really wanted me to met her daughter, she kept on showing me pictures on facebook. You could tell that they aren't familiar with missionary life! haha! as they left I gave the guy a tie and a letter with my email on it so he could email me when he got sealed to his wife (something that he's been procrastinating!) he started crying, in a good way, it was good to feel that I touched him in some small way in such a short period of time!
We've still been teaching our investigator James! he's starting to learn a lot better. He likes church and is really starting to understand. it's taken a lot of work and patience. Our Zone Leaders are pushing us to get him baptized this Saturday and the Bishop wants to wait. we'll bring the Bishop by one more time and see if he can see if the progress that we've made is enough for baptism. I ordered him that child's book of Mormon. but until it got here we lent him one from the Martinez family, and he kind a bent it all up, so I'll probably just give them the new one and let James keep the one he bent up! he understands what he reads so much better, it's almost impossible to share any real scripture with him, so we're really working hard to teach principles through the stories! it's teaching us to be really flexible!
We're still working with that lady Elizabeth, I don't remember how much I've told ya'll about her, but she's pretty cool... if she'd ever let us teach her that is! she's already talking about having her son switch cub scout troops to the one in the church and we haven't even taught her the Restoration yet! who knows maybe by the time we actually teach her it she'll already be in too deep and in love with the members and the church to go back! MUAHAHAHA!
I hope everyone got my birthday cards/letters I sent out! I didn't send one to Alek or the new baby on the suspicion that they can't read or really enjoy such things!
we found a big 'ol gold necklace by the dumpster the other day! 'o the things you can find!
there's only two weeks left in the transfer and I'm finally starting to really enjoy Angles' company! I wish it hadn't taken me so long! I just had to just see everything weird he does as a joke! he's not too bad once you do that!
it's starting to get hot again! it was probably about 85 yesterday and its only going to get hotter from there! but I was SO tired of the cold weather, this place has made me a wimp to it, and I've been pulling out the sweater every time it gets in the 60's! I'm glad I'll have some time in Colorado to act like a base camp before I go up to Idaho again! I'm super excited to go back to school! it's going to be great! I miss it up there a lot!
these super PDA loving member couple took us out to eat the other night! it was weird seeing people so affectionate, especially around missionaries.. it's ok though, they're in Wuv!

-anyways there's my rant, to match mothers! Love you guys a lot, Even though you are all TERRIBLE AT EMAILING! I forgive you! but you're losing blessings! I'm sure! haha!
Elder Duerst!

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