Thursday, March 19, 2015

the one with "supernatural" stuff ...but not for me :(

this week the other Elder's recent convert named Carlos who used to work with comic con and especially the "supernatural" guys gave them props from the show! luckies! they got Dean's necklace that glows red hot in the presence of God and some necklace of castile's (and some other stuff!) but it's ok, it's just stuff!
on Monday it was real rainy and gross. it stayed like that most of the week more or less. but I little rain never hurt anyone.
we had a few really cool experiences, the first was a miraculous new investigator. his name is Mike Standard and he has been married to a member of the church for 20+ yrs and decided one day that it was time for him to be baptized! it was an opportunity that we pray for, and it gives a lot of hope for those people that we never think will accept the gospel!
On Thursday we taught of couple of pretty dumb people! it was very frustrating, and I hate spending even a moment on people like these were. I hope that we at least planted a seed! we met an inactive member that had a bunch of peacocks in her yard! it was super cool!
we did exchanges this Friday, it was a good break from Elder Angles! I've been trying to stay sane, but I'm getting through. he's so Weird! 
This sunday we did a Zone wide fast to try and have 32 people at church, to do it, each companionship needed to bring 4 people. we were only able to bring 3, but that's a lot better than we've had in the recent past! we had James come (like usual) and a young woman and her son, she reminds me a lot like Jessica (if she'd not become a mom, after Keygan was born!) I really feel bad for her, and know that the gospel can help her!
Last night I gave a blessing to a sister that has been going through a tough time, it was a great experience, and she was in tears. truly the mission has increased my faith in the very real power of the Priesthood. I know that someday I'll have a home where the priesthood will be present and that it truly a great blessing!
-Love you all! Elder Duerst!
P.s. Happy Birthday to you guys with birthdays! expect letters!

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