Thursday, March 19, 2015

the one with zone conference and more service

this week on Tuesday we had our zone conference, except it was about 4 zones. they were installing the "Tiwi" system in our cars! it has a GPS, accelerometer, and other cool stuff. so it can tell how fast your going, if your going over speed bumps too fast, accelerating too fast, stopping to fast, or basically just being an idiot! it can even tell if you're driving without a seatbelt. it caused my companion to shape up his driving pretty fast! he got an aggressive driver citation like the first 10 minutes! all the trainings were really good, but my favorite two were about having faith in finding and having unity with your companion. Angles and I have been doing a lot better, except for a small hiccup last night!

I got my bike fixed up very nice! it cost me like 90 bucks too! It better last the rest of the time now! right after I saw bikes at target for like 125! I still think it's a nice bike though, I'm confident it won't have any other troubles! the guy that was working on it at the place was a member of the church so he did some other stuff as well for free, that was really cool of him. my brakes are phenomenal now! I had to really use them a couple of times with some crazy drivers, so that was lucky they were replaced and tightened.

on Saturday we helped fill the distribution center in Mercedes with 2800 lbs of 100 lb bales of clothes. boy am I sore from throwing those things almost over my head to get them all stacked up! there was one missionary "trying" to do it, but he was just a stereotypical dorky Mormon kid with no hope of lifting much of anything, and after about the second donut break I saw him take I started "helping" him.

yesterday we had stake conference, and the adult session Saturday night. they were both pretty good, not the most effective use of our time though, if it was up to me we would have just been working through those times. next week we're going to have our ward conference were they'll announce how they'll divide the new branch!

The zone leaders and my companion have been pressuring me too agree to baptize James. I still am not convinced that he has the capacity of an 8 year old. but if he can show some real desires that he understand what baptism is and that for him it would just be showing his desires to follow Jesus Christ, I really wouldn't have a problem with it. we'll see though.

it has been raining pretty had the last couple of morning pretty hard, not too bad when it comes to going out to work. it just really has to make me pee at like 4 in the morning. the time change didn't bug me too much, I'm still sleeping like 8 hours a night which is awesome! the mission brought me a new-ish bed which is WAY better than the one that I had, so that's super nice!

the zone leaders had an interview with Angles and I the other day, first of off they separated us and talked to us, and I thought for sure I was going to get chewed out for something! (probably being too much fun!) but he actually talked about how I can help my companion be more consecrated and a better missionary! didn't see that one coming! I guess he did start a countdown to the end of his mission the other day, seems like it'll make the next 330 days go by VERY slow, but that's just me! haha!

I'm happy to hear about the blessing going well! I'm excited to see by alek WHEN I GET HOME! keep up the lack of photos! send Jill my love, it sounds like she's going through a hard time.

-love you all lots! Elder Duerst!

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