Thursday, March 19, 2015

the one with another transfer in Weslaco

we did finally get the transfer call, it came at 11 o'clock at night on Monday, so if I had left I would not have been able to tell anyone goodbye! good thing I didn't! Elder Angles is still my companion, I don't know how excited I am for that, but I'm starting this transfer off with a good attitude and I hope that is lasts the whole time this transfer!
the week was very long, and I can only hope that next week is better. We didn't have much success on finding people and our only investigator is James, still not sure if he's actually retaining anything, but he's been coming to church and likes it. our ward mission leader told us that if he has the ability to tell right from wrong he can be baptized, but I still don't know how I feel about it. we'll see if he starts to progress in the next few weeks, at least he's going to church, that's an excellent start, and can only help him in this life I know!
Sister Brooks, the woman that we were doing all the service for all the last few weeks, bore her testimony about how grateful she was for everything that the church has done for her, both spiritually and temporally in the last year since she's joined the church. it was a really cool thing to see!
I'm glad to hear that Jill is excited about going to school. I really love school, and I know that any schooling / learning will only help he in her future. 
I had to take my bike in to get the crank shaft fixed, they said it was going to be a lot to fix it! so much that I almost considered just going to walmart and buying a whole new bike, but I decided to just bite the bullet and hope the 80 dollars I'm spending will be the last of the problems for the rest of the mission! (I just hope they don't find anything else wrong) the thing that really bugged me was that they refused to fix the crank shaft until I bought new brakes and paid them 20 dollars to install it! such a scam! I hear it's the same way if you take a car into get serviced and they hear the brakes squeak, but it doesn't make me feel much better. I'm just going to try and stay positive, who knows, the nice new brakes might save my life some day!
Saturday we had a meeting as a zone and they used me as an object lesson! they really love using me, because they know I'll do just about anything, especially if it could be made funny! last time they tired me up. this time they blindfolded me and told me to make a sundae with all these "toppings" they were giving me! little did they know I'm apparently really talented at identifying things by what bottle they're in! so I was telling them, why am I putting ranch in my sundae or ketchup, all from the way they felt! I even figured out what type of hot chilly they were giving me by the way it felt and tasted, it was a chilly pequin and was Very Hot!
we had a really hard time this week finding anyone new to teach, I don't know what we could have done differently, but we have to do something different, or else this will be a long transfer! we have a few pretty solid potentials though, friends of members that seem interested already! I really hope we can find some cool people this week!
-love you all lots, hope you all have a good week! Elder Duerst!

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