Thursday, March 19, 2015

the one with James and lot and lots of biking

we had a pretty good week, we met a really nice man named James. I'm convinced that James is autistic, so I told my District Leader that I didn't feel too comfortable teaching and helping someone that didn't really need baptism toward baptism. I think that the most important thing is to get him to church and make friends, then if he wants to get baptized later we'll see. my companion didn't like that I even brought it up during follow-ups, he thought if he progresses he should be baptized. I guess we'll see what we end up doing. I can tell that we can convince James to do just about anything, (he is very easily influenced) and I just want to be sure that he actually understands baptism and what he's doing before he does it. His brother also seems pretty receptive to the message, we haven't taught him anything yet, just got to know him and inviting him to church. he seemed thrilled to go to the church which is right next door to James's apartment (he actually lives with James, which shows he's not too disabled, but still notable).
this week we have continued to do a lot of work for sister brooks at her house, I don't know why they keep on finding more and more work to do. I think we just about finished up this morning though. we used just about all of our miles for the month this week (we only had 200, which went very fast, because my companion isn't very good at thinking ahead, he always wanted to use the car, and now we have no miles for the last week of the month). so we have been biking again, and man have we been biking! the last 3 days it seemed like no one was home! we just were biking and biking between the house, for hours and hours! it was very tiring, and we accomplished just about nothing! but I guess weeks like this happen.
transfers have been coming later and later, we still haven't hear anything new yet. usually they would let us know on sunday mornings now it seems like Monday afternoons are the new norm! it is very frustrating to say the least, I don't think I'd leave after just one, but who knows?! stranger things have happened, I don't know how well I'd weather another six weeks with this companion though, he is so bipolar, one second he is very cool the next he is a real creep! but whatever comes it'll be good, and I'll be sure to learn from it. 
-sorry there's not more to say, not the most eventful week, love you all lots, Elder Duest

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