Monday, February 16, 2015

the one with the three legged dog and his valentine!

This week has been pretty uneventul, hense a three-legged dog being worth mentioning! so here's the story, we where biking around Donna, one of our new cities that we cover to to west of Weslaco, and there was this dog that started chasing us! pretty funny really! I had a moral delemna of kicking a three-legged dog, I didn't really feel threatened so I didn't! (but I did kick another dog this week, he really needed it though! probably the best kick of my mission so far! but I digress!) so the dog follows us all the way to the house we were going to knock, when we see another dog, and Angles says, "I bet that they're valentines!" and sure enough right after he said that, right in front of us they showed us "just how much of valentines" they really are! more than I wanted to see! I told Angles to stop saying such things, because he was jinxing it!
for valentines day, the ward did a party, and there was NOBODY there! some people came one time and some came an hour late! If they'd all came at the same time than they'd have a pretty decent number of people! and they're still planning on splitting up the english ward in a couple of weeks! but that's not my call. this ward is absolutely FULL of prideful and petty people! It makes doing missionary work and getting the inactives back very hard! I already told Mom the story of a very dumb woman that gave us her reason for not going to church! if you feel so obligued you can ask her, or me!
This transfer has absolutely flew! I know that Angles has probably been one of the strangest and most prideful companions, but it has been a lot easier to get along with him than my last one, for the sole reason that I tried, from day one, to love him. it hasn't been easy at times, but it's always been do-able. I really think there is a good chance that he'll leave next transfer. he's been in this area for 2 and the one immediately ajacent for 3, which means he's been in the same ward, working with the same members sense I started my mission back in June! He is a good guy, if you can get past his very rude way of talking and acting at times! he's really taught me a lot about the joys of continually learning! he reads more books than anyone I know! I started this book called "Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling" it is an excellent book, but it has the ability to definitely shake some testimonies if you let it, that's for sure. it's buy a very intellegent member of the church, and is very un-biased (to be completely unbiased is impossible, I learned that in history!) it's really good, it's not all the fluff that the church will release about Joseph Smith, it kind of shows him as more of a real person.
I've also been reading the Old Testiment, to finish my goal of finishing the whole Quad in a year. I know that I'll never have as much time to study the scriptures as much as I do right now on my mission, so I'm trying to take advantage of it! Judges was very graphic, but kinda entertaining in a weird, gory sort of way!
the last few days we have been helping Sister Brooks, the black lady that fed us the other day, with service for her house. she was living without a stove, over, or hot water or gosh knows how long, as well as in a very rundown home! we have been working 3 days now, and it was only supposed to take 2!
-alright, that's all that happened this week I think! Love you all! stay safe and doing good things! Elder Duerst

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