Monday, August 24, 2015

Last week of the transfer and District Leader call!

This last week has been a very long one. I've been working out of my area on splits with other elders for two days this week, but I'm kinda grateful, I'm super "area dead" tired of the same streets and all the same faces. it was really nice to be in a car one of the days.
But the Week is done and I already packed all my things, hoping I leave. I'll feel really silly if I end up staying, but I highly doubt it. I got the district leader call on Friday and did the training for it on saturday in McAllen. my Zone Leader / trainer Elder Johnson is super happy for me! He thinks we're going up to Corpus Christi together! (we'll see, that's just a hunch he has because how poorly that zone has been doing, and he thinks I can help them. I'm touched by his confidence! but it's a lot to live up to!)
My numbers (lessons with a member presents especially) have been terrible. so we got a stern talking to be our district leader. this was the first time he even kind of was stern with me. I told him that I really appreciate it, and I know that being able to saying things like they are is a trait of a good leader. if he learns that, Elder Blackman, will be a Zone Leader very quickly.
I'm a little nervous about having to do an interview for baptism in spanish, but I know that if I keep on working on the language it will come to a point where I won't be so afraid. it's just so much more nerve racking, the idea of talking to people about question #4 stuff in spanish! (ask jonah what that means if you are curious) But the language is still coming. If I do go to Corpus Christi, there won't be much spanish practice at all! here I have the ability to at least talk to the members from the spanish ward, or talk to people in spanish on the street, but there there won't even be that!
I've been really bad about sending out my email to everyone every transfer, but I'll probably just send this one to everyone! this transfers been great! I learned a lot and did a lot of good with "Mijo" Elder McLaughlin. I feel like I struggled with him at times but now love the guy! he'll always be one of my favorite companions!
I hope everyone is having a great week! love ya'll lots! Elder Duerst!

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