Monday, August 24, 2015

the monster dog and no mini- missionaries!

so we went monday to pick up our mini-missionaries and it turns out that 2 of them didn't show up, so they shuffled them around and so we didn't get any! but it was alright! I don't know how I feel about McLaughlin being in charge quite yet... even if it is just of a little guy! he still has a lot to learn! but who knows he could have learned a lot of confidence! now he'll be shy forever!!! all the mini missionaries were super cool. We got a chance to see them a lot, at all our meetings and trainings and stuff like that. we got a chance to see them all bare their testimonies for a special testimony meeting we did saturday for the whole zone. it was really cool to see how much they all got out of their week with the missionaries!
The work week has been very un-eventful. we're still working with the same people as last week, they all came to church, so that's good, which means they are progressing. I've been trying really hard to finish some specific goals that I wanted to accomplish this transfer, like finish reading the New Testament and get caught up in my journal! I treasure my journal so much! it's awesome to be able to go to any day (minus maybe 2 or 3) and know what I was doing! I value them more than just about anything else! (them and my photos!... here are a couple now!)
Yesterday a Devil dog tried to bite me! he got very close to getting a bunch of man-meat in his mouth! luck for me the months on the bike as made my legs impermeable to dog bites! my pants got a few little holes in them though! I think it adds character!

... I'm getting less and less things to say, It's all just blurring together! anyways!!!....
-Love ya'll! have a good week! Elder Duerst!

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