Monday, August 24, 2015

The one with a Day with Elder Johnson again and Pioneer Day

This week was pretty good! it's been hot!... So stinking hot! but that's ok! I'm just hoping for a car next transfer... still! We had a chance to work with the ward doing to splits with the Elders quorum, on tuesday and wednesday. we were able to get out to Donna a couple of times. there is a really cool part member family the other elders were working with that we picked up. but we let them keep stopping by and visiting. we don't see any harm in letting them visit one of our investigators. the more help the better, especially when it's so hard for us to get out there as much as we would like to. they have two of the sweetest little girls in the world! they just run up to us and give us a hug and say "we're friends" or something else that's just adorable! We're working on getting the Dad his priesthood so he can baptize the wife and the son!
On friday we had Elder Johnson work with McLaughlin. it was a lot of fun. I love that kid! he's probably my favorite companion! He was able to help us out a lot and give a lot of good advice to help us! he's a great Zone Leader. I told him how I'm pretty area dead, but he's been in the same area for 6 transfers now! 4 transfers in his spanish ward and 2 transfers in English. but still driving the same streets and seeing the same-old, same-old! We got to use his truck to get out to Donna! it was nice to be off the bikes for a day!
On saturday we had our Pioneer day celebration! it went really well. the two wards and the branch were there. but there weren't as many people as I expected. I had a really good time seeing so many mormons in one place. our investigators and re-activating families all showed up! it was great because of that too!
We're getting mini-missionaries next week. they'll be with us from 7 in the morning to 9 at night every day. there will be 2 of them, so we get to be with one of them every day. I'm a little worried about how McLaughlin will do with the responsibility of being in charge all by himself. We'll see how he does, it will be a sink or swim kind of learning experience!
-Well I hope that everyone has a good week! things are going well here! Love you all lots!
Elder Duerst!

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