Tuesday, September 29, 2015

tickets and zone conference again!

these things happened last week and this week. last week while I was driving home at the end of the night I got pulled over by one of the million cops here in Roma, It was 8:50 and I was ALMOST home! the guy was following me for like 6 miles, and I got into the right lane because I wasn't turning left or passing, then when I did get into the left lane (because I turn left to get off the express way) he pulls me over! I was so worried I'd forgotten to signal or something, but No... I didn't give the guy behind me a full 100 yards when I changed lanes! I only gave him 40! what a stupid reason to pull me over! they would have pulled me over if I'd sped-up to give us more space too! I guess it's true that the cops really can pull you over for anything! (they would have pulled me over if I would have stayed in the left lane too! my comp. got a warning for that last transfer!) they only gave me a warning! all they really wanted to do was see if we had any drugs in the car. that's all they really care about is trying to stop the drug traffic, but I wish they wouldn't waste our time and actually use their energy looking for the real bad guys! then they have the nerve to give me a ticket for not having a Texas driving liscense! But I'm fighting that ticket, because there's a letter from the state to the church saying that we don't count as residents, because we're leaving in two years, so I got a copy of the letter and I'm going to the judge today probably! so lame!
Then we had zone conference, it went really well. Our district and one other had to do skits, they went first and it was alright, but we went first and it was super funny! I was worried that no one would laugh at the jokes I made, but it all worked out! phew! it was all about "if you stay at a members house too long you'll get fat!"
The works been going along, slowly but surely, we found a really cool family to teach this week! they're pure spanish, but I understand them! which isn't always the case when people talk too fast or mumble!
The transfer's almost done! this is insane how fast this one went! I feel like I JUST got here! and next tuesday is already the last day of the transfer! I've learned so much in these last 5 weeks! I hope the district stays the same for next transfer! we'll see what happens!
-Love you guys! have a good week!
Elder Duerst!

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