Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Back to the bike grind!

So I got transferred out of Roma after only 3 months! it seems weird to be in a new area so quick, I guess I'm not so much of a camper anymore! I got moved to an area in mission, tx. it's a very big bike area, but that's ok.
my new companion is very much a native! he's learning english and he's very new on the mission. he only has had one other companion before me. he's very quiet and humble. My new district has 8 people in it, 4 elders and 4 sisters. My trainer in the mission pulled me aside and really wants to see me excel with sisters... something I'm not really used to having in my district! they're great though! I'm back into a 4 man, and I love it! it's great and fun, but they struggle with staying consecrated and focused, so I've already seen great change in them already.
it's weird to be so close to the epicenter of the zone! we get to play volleyball and basketball as a zone many mornings! it's great! unfortunately we're teaching in english again, in another huge ward! it's weird how I seem to jump back and forth between tiny branches and big established wards so much!
I'm excited for this transfer, one of our new zone leaders is a great guy, he's really big into letting me figure out solutions myself without having them hold my hands through problems and I really like that!
White washing has been hard, but I'm faithful that things are going to be great this transfer! Well I don't have that much to write about today!
-Love you all lots! have a good week! Elder Duerst!

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