Tuesday, November 10, 2015

the one full of exchanges and Halloween!

this week was crazy! we did an "inter-zone" exchange from Tuesday to Thursday morning, then we did a couple more with other elders so I could interview this girl named Ashley, that got baptized this weekend. (it wasn't in our area, but I made the goal when I became a DL here with two greenies in the other areas, that I wanted to make sure that they got a chance to baptize in their greenie areas with their dads... I was happy to see that happen!)

Halloween was crazy, we got special permission to be out until 8, when the entire rest of the mission had to be back by 6. the people he have the weirdest traditions when it comes to Halloween (all of which I wouldn't have been able to see if I was in the house at 6) they load up the beds of their trucks with children and drive around the neighborhoods with their hazards on. then when ever they see someone outside their house with candy, they all stop and rush the house! it makes traversing the neighborhoods very difficult! but it was cool to see how the do things here! I still love Mexican Easter more than anything!

the computers here don't let me send pictures, we're at a library here in McAllen again... trying to pick up the other Elder's truck, but they told us that it wouldn't be ready until tomorrow! transfer day! I think not! I was very blunt with the guy and stern, I got him to go from definitely tomorrow, to "doing everything he can to get it done by 6" I really hope they can get it done. They said it would be done on Friday! I hope they get it done... otherwise this transfers is going to be very interesting to say the least!

Church was disappointing, all the people that usually come where at friends' houses for sleep overs after Halloween and the chapel was relatively small... but that's ok! it'll get up there again.. I'm excited to hear what happens with transfers (I hope you didn't all send birthday letters to the Roma address. that would make getting them before Christmas interesting!)

-Well I love you all lots, I'm glad to hear that Jessica's and James' reception here in Colorado went well! Hope you have a great week! Elder Duerst!

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