Tuesday, November 10, 2015

the week with mission tour and Roel's Baptism

This week was really good, I learned a lot. (from both the good and the bad unfortunately, but that's life sometimes I suppose)

On Tuesday Elder Denney (one of our ZL's) came down to do the interview, as well as do an exchange with me. both of those went great! he passed the interview! and I enjoyed to training from a leader... something I don't get a whole lot of being so far away and a DL now. I really have learned to love leaders on my mission, they really are called of God by inspiration, and although they're far from perfect, they have the spirit of revelation to guide us to be the best we can be and accomplish as much as we can.

This Thursday Elder Dube came and did a meeting with us, it was really good. he's a very happy, energetic guy! he's pretty young for a member of the 70... or at least I think so, he's super black, and might just be aging exceptionally well. he talked a lot about teaching skills and the importance of setting commitments and following-up with people to see if they're doing what they're saying they're doing. that was really cool!

Roel Ended up not getting baptized, his Dad didn't want him to (after he signed the paper, might I add) but Roel is such an outstanding young man that he wants to make sure his dad is completely behind him before he continues. it was more than a little disheartening, but I know he'll be baptized soon, we just need to talk to the Dad again. he just had a couple of silly doubts... like he thought that being baptized basically signed him up for a mission right then and there! a silly doubt, but enough to push a baptism back I suppose!

I'm super happy to hear that Jessica's wedding went well! I'm anxiously waiting for photos! (but if there are any babies that should not be seen, please edit the photos appropriately! :P

On sunday we went by the recently boarder-line less active (because of the fight last week, and other happenings since then) family's house for dinner, and they got me and Boydstun a Birthday Cake! it was "tres Leches" my favorite! SO GOOD! I got frosting in my ear! but that's a story that needs the photos to go with it, so you'll all just have to wait on that one!

we're in McAllen getting some car stuff figured out, so I went to a thrift store and got some nice tan pants for 2.50$ (shout out to Dallin if you made it this far down the email!) I don't see the point in buying nice clothes that are just going to get trashed in a couple of days of missionary work! it's starting to get a little cold here... 65 degrees this morning! sweater weather is here again!

love you all! hope you have a good week!
-Elder Duerst!

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