Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Sonia and Roel, for the Win! fighting at church for the losers!

this week we've been working hard to bring members out to visit our two solid progressing investigators. we had 8 lessons with a member present! which is more than I've had in a long time! and we had them and 2 others at church! its was awesome to have them at church. they both came to the church on Wednesday night for the activities, Roel was there for young mens and Sonia was there just for a church tour and so we could show them the restoration video.

Then on Saturday night Sonia met us again at the church, but this time she brought her 11 year old daughter named Vanessa who is will to learn and wants to get baptized with her mom next month! we didn't even have to invite the daughter, all we had to do was teach her and show her the happiness the spirit brings, and then she instinctively wanted to bring her only daughter! it was great!

Roel is still doing really well, he's ready to be baptized this sunday, but we need to get his Dad's permission because Roel's only 17, we've been praying and fasted for his heart to be softened to the idea, and if all that fails, I'm even crossing my fingers and toes that it goes well! he'll be interviewed by a ZL tomorrow.

It was a miracle that all our investigators had a good time at church, because all heck was breaking loose when the young women started fighting amongst themselves, there was yelling, crying, punching, and someone even passed out! it was crazy! I'm going to do my training tomorrow about how we can be peacemakers! it should be good. we had two investigators in the Young Womens yesterday, both of which we want to keep coming! so we can't afford something like that happening again! not to mention, one girl probably won't be there next sunday!

-love you all lots! I hope you have a great week!
Elder Duerst

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