Monday, February 22, 2016

The one with the End of the month and the Salina's baptism!

This was an awesome week! it was super busy and crazy! transfers came on monday at about 9, but they didn't do a transfer meeting in McAllen, instead they tried to have like 3 seperate meeting locations around the mission! it was weird! kind like a big bus stop / convoy thingy! It didn't work out very well I feel! I didn't get my new companion until 8:45 at night, but it all worked out at the end!

His name is elder Thunell! he's from Arvada, but I've never met him before the mission, I guess I never went to any mulit-stake events when I was in high school, so I don't know how I would know him! he pretty similar to me, but he's different at the same time. he started his mission in Spain, but got sent home, and is now finishing his mission here. he's going home in August, so just a little after me.

We were able to hit out zone goal of 15 baptisms! at the last hour too! it was cutting it pretty close! but it was still good! Gracie and Eilyn got baptized by their son Noe! it was such a special baptism! they are really great! Noe had just been to the temple to do baptism the day before, and the next day he's baptizing his mom and sister! We're are going to start teach the dad soon, he's got a lot of potental as well! Noe hasn't stopped talking to him about the church since his baptism almost a month ago, and the dad (also named Noe) has been listening to the Audio of the BOM as the rest of the family listens to it on the app! It's great to finally have a baptism again! I kept on moving right before my investigators got baptized! The family is going to start doing family search on wednesdays while the daughter is in YW! I love to see families / converts that just buy into everything the Gospel has to offer!

I'm fine with registering for every semester until I graduate! I should only have 4 maybe five semesters left anyways. registering in June is perfect, I get back on the 1st. I'm fine with living in somerset again.

Love you all lots! sorry I don't have time to write more! we have to run!

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