Monday, May 16, 2016

Holland and First Week of my Last Transfer!

So we got transfer calls and it shocked me to hear that Elder Davis was leaving! we both expected him to stay, but it is what it is. My new Companion is Elder Eisenhut, he jokes and tells people his name is Icy-Hot or Pizza Hut! he's super funny! we have two new DL's they are both great guys and I'm excited to see what they can get going. I couldn't email yesterday because we were driving to McAllen to see Holland. he came to our mission, and it was an awesome meeting! Elder Robins came too! I have been sick the last couple days, so I was battling with a headache the whole day. but I still got a lot out of it!
now I'm here in McAllen with one of our AP's Elder Ivey. and get this, we got the Cops called on us! it was crazy! we were walking to this Part Members home to teach the mom, and there were these two little girls in the parking lot of the Apartments, so we asked if they knew Abril (April, in english) and they said yeah! (because they were same ages) so we invited them to come listen to a message we were going to share with the member family. and they said sure, because they weren't doing anything. then as we were walking this guy pops out and started yelling all this weird stuff about how he's going to call the cops, I guess he thought we were kidnapping the kids. He was a real jerk about it. I think he had something against us, because a sane person would have let us explain the situation without calling the police, but the cops said we just need to be careful with kids and just took our names (I assume that he'll look us up, and if either of us were known kidnappers we'd have some more guys looking for us in a little, Good thing that won't happen!)
-Love you all lots! sorry I don't have a full hour to write more!
Elder Duerst!

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