Monday, May 16, 2016

Transfer calls in the middle of emailing!

This week has been a long one, we did a cool zone meeting all about "selfless self-improvement" it's kind of hard to explain our training, but the scriptural story we relied on was solomon asking the Lord for more wisdom in a dream so that he could bless the lives of those around him. is was... "selfless self-improvement" (copyright, Elder Duerst)
The zone has been struggling, but the transfer call came in and we have some stud DL's coming in, and they should really get things going! I'm happy to be ending my mission here in Corpus. it's going to be weird starting my last transfer, it really is a bitter-sweet moment. I'm just curious who my new companion will be, I didn't expect to have a new companion. it might be good. I guess I learned what I needed to from Elder Davis.
we did a lot of good exchanges, and a couple of blitz. it was all really good. we had the senior couples in charge of apartments, come down and check all the apartments in the Zone. they took us to dinner after, it was pretty good. we went to a restaurant that a member owns up here.
Well, that's the end of another transfer! and there goes the last transfer call that means anything to me! haha! love you all lots!
-Elder Duerst

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