Monday, May 16, 2016

The one with transfers to Corpus Christi and Dungeons & Dragons

This was a pretty good week! we had some cool experiences, and some lame investigators get dropped. but that's not worth dwelling on. they'll just have to be worked on by the world a bit longer. The Salinas family went to baptisms for the dead on Saturday, Gracie and Eylin got to go in, but her husband came too! he didn't go in, but I hope he felt the spirit as he was there.
The week was a good week, nothing overly memorable happened, I was able to bear my testimony. there was one man who gave a 35 minute travel log! It was insane! but there were a lot of Awesome testimonies after him, I can only imagine what an investigator would think when people just talk about their vacation for 3/4 of the time for testimonies! haha!
Transfers came in about an hour ago. only 2 elders and 2 sisters are moving out in the zone! I kinda thought I was going to be moved, I did find out that I'm going to serve in Corpus Christi, so I hope no one sent me any letters or packages to my Brownsville address! I did get grandma's letter today! just in the nick of time! it's going to be weird being in a zone where the demographics are predominately white!!! I have NEVER TAUGHT ANY WHITE PEOPLE for any prolonged period of time! and here I'm going to a place where they're all white! it's going to be one heck of a culture shock! I'm excited though! my new companion is a pretty cool guy! he was just with Elder De Piano, one of my old companion.
I'm excited to see that part of the mission! I'm excited to have a little bit of a smaller zone, I hope I can get to know the missionaries better with less of them! I'm going to miss Brownsville, but Corpus will be a blast!
p.s. I added Dungeons & Dragons to the topic line because I've been playing it with these elders in the zone! it so nerdy! Haha!
I love you all lots! STILL PLANNING ON COMING HOME THE 1st! don't know why that would change!
-Elder Duerst!

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