Monday, May 16, 2016

The one with the Zone exchange and zone conference!

This week was very busy! it's weird to think that last monday was only one week ago! it feels like at least 2! I remember when I first started my mission, in the MTC, all the days/weeks felt like this, but they haven't felt like that in a long Long time!
This Monday through wednesday we had a whole zone exchange! it was really great and there was a lot of faith and we were even on standard for finding new people to teach after wednesday! on wednesday we did a cool little zone get together where we had some trainings and then we ended with a cool little testimony sort of thing where everyone that saw a miracle or just a cool experience shared it with the zone! it was awesome to see all the cool things that happened! but as soon as people got back to their own area finding dropped again! it's so frustrating! trying to do something so complex as lifting another's faith is super hard when they don't want to! but whatever, we'll keep on working on it!
on thursday we had a great zone conference! we combined with Sinton Zone. there were about 36 missionaries there. for our training, Elder Davis and I printed out a call letter for everyone, and personalized them with their name on them! it was all about re-finding that excitement all missionaries had at the point when they got their call letter! (I'd already done a similar training Brownsville, but we put a different spin on it this time!)
The meat of the training was all about having that charity we should have for our investigators and members! our APs gave us the commitment to make a "show 'em the love" plan! so we're going to start doing extra things to show people we love them whenever we get a chance! it's going to awesome!
Our president talked about the importance of being perfectly obedient to all the mission rules! we've been doing a lot better at all the rules that many times get over-looked. especially bike days! for some reason it's easy to be lazy when you have a truck to get you from point A to point B! we where trying to do a back day on wednesday but Davis's peddle broke! so I had to take off my belt and drag him 2 miles home! just like kip and napoleon! (from napoleon dynamite!) on the way back to the house he confessed he'd prayed for an opportunity to have a great attitude today! I look back and said "well why am I the one pulling you?! haha!" it really was one of the funnier stories of the week! I wasn't nearly as bugged as I would have been before the mission when things like that go bad! haha!
Love you all lots! have a great week!
-Elder Duerst!

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