Monday, May 16, 2016

The one with the Easter flea!

his monday we had our zone activity at the park on the beach! it was really cool, we got to bbq and go out on this peer. we aren't allowed to get too close to the water, but it was still really cool! we made so good food and just played catch / battled off the seagulls that wanted our delicious hot dogs! we took some good photos!
The rest of the week we were really busy with zone meetings and roleplays, trying to get the zone to make things happen with the investigators they have. it's hard to call down miracles from heaven when you've spent the whole first 3&1/2 weeks of the month farting around. but it's going to be a learning month for everyone, including us. we have some sneaky plans in the works though. we're going to counsel with the AP's about how... ethical they are, but they should be good to get the zone going!
This week I did 2 exchanges with 2 elders this week, both times I went to their areas, I went with the junior comps and the DLs went with Elder Davis. Davis really likes to do it that way, I don't think he likes being out of our area, he's very hands on and doesn't trust others as much as I'd like. but we'll just have to work that out.
The members here are fantastic! the church was packed, with everyone! it was great to see so many people there! and they weren't just Easter people! many of them are very active families! Corpus is weird in that with the military bases so close and the boarder patrol so big in the this city, a lot of the families come for a few years then leave. so the grow here is fast, but people move on just as fast as they move in! They are building houses like madmen though. they must be expecting a lot of growth, but I don't see it.
Easter is great time, and it seems like everyone is thinking about the savior! I wasn't very impressed with the video this year, I liked last year's better. but what can you do?!
... oh the flea! I saw a flea on me the other day! so ever since then I've had this super irrational fear I'm infested! I'm one more sighting away from shaving my arms and legs and buying a flea collar! haha! pray for me!
-Love Elder Duerst!

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