Monday, August 18, 2014

the once with the crazy man who hear a demon and his whole gay family

... trying to get him to lie so that his head / ghost would be put in a jar so he could get people to lie too! - that was a cool experience, and my first person I've taught in Laredo, because we were on splits with the Zone leaders! there are lots of crazy people roaming the streets. 

I'm sorry to hear that your elders are having trouble finding people through the members. we only have 3 members in our area, and we are finding new ones that have slipped through the cracks every now then! it's a miracle when we do! we found a woman who's name is Hermana Cantu, and she feeds us, so I've had a total of three dinners with members, but it's ok, because she feeds us really well!

we saw a woman working on her horse here, everyone has horses and they don't really care about zoning laws, so they are just tied around trees in their front yards. but this woman was just doing her horse's hooves herself, I don't think people have other people do it here, except for the REALLY big stuff. I think jill is dumb for not wanting to go to a real school, but whatever. it is hard to have people being stupid, but it happens. speaking of that, we had to drop this family that I really liked this week, but there was nothing else to do. they loved us, but they were just wasting our time, and sometimes you just have to cut the cord!

Our first baptism should be next week sometime I hope! It is the 8 year old son of a member woman. so it doesn't "technically" count as a convert baptism, but we'll still be doing it because there aren't any other worthy priesthood holders in Zapata, I just hope they let us do it and not drive somebody down from Laredo to do it... which would be Lame! I want my first Lake-tism, and the little boy is so excited! his name is Emanoro (which I assume to be the spanish version of Emanuel) the other woman we are teaching went to mexico to visit for a few weeks, but she is still very solid, just not by the month of August, and you never know when you could get transferred so I really don't want to bet on staying in Zapata 

The National Guard is coming down to help the Boarder Patrol, they aren't bringing anything cool like tanks though, just more man power! lame! I just hope our baptisms don't fall through because some of your investigators are too scared to get to the lake, which is very close to the boarder. many of the people here are valley locked, stuck between the boarder, and too scared to get through the next check points just put the highway, but that's how it is for the whole mission except for Corpus.

This mission is absolutely crazy about ties! I'm getting into it too! I went to the mall and bought a 85 dollar tie for 30, and traded it for a 200, another 85, a 115, a few 40 dollar ties! some of them are very nice! and it is way entertaining just to trade and go digging at the bodegas on P days for ties!

P.S. still trying to get the photos to send, this computer is awful! I did just the package, everything looks great. and I dad did send his Email in time for me to get it.

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