Monday, August 18, 2014

the one with the free mcdonalds

(I have decided to title my emails like episodes from friends!) Which is actually way harder than I thought!

this monday we slept over at the Zone Leaders and did some work with another companionship up in Loredo, so we didn't have to drive all the way back to Zapata and back for the zone meeting the next morning. Zone Meeting was 3 HOURS! which is way too long!!! But we are a people of Meetings!

The beginnings of weeks here are always hard! it is like clockwork! we usually work very hard without much to show for it until about thursday, then the weekends we have a lot of success. it is strange how that works, but whatever. we have been trying to teach this woman named Lucia Vargas, who we fondly call 'La Sorda', which means the deaf, on account to the fact that she is almost deaf, but she has a member friend who is not afraid to yell right in her ear! she will probably be my first baptism, or at least me and sherman hope. she was not able to show up to church this week because she has bad legs. (some thing about her vains, I don't understand very much of what she said because her spanish was very mumbled)

we have a family that is very close to being baptized as well, they have a lot of trouble coming to church, but they absolutely love sherman and I, we are always stopping by to help them with something or another. they are coming to our FHE we are doing tonight, there should be a recent convert family and the Branch president's family coming down from loredo. we found a lot of really good potentials to start teaching next week. we found out that one of our investigators, rachel is on parole which makes everything 100 times harder! but it's alright. 

I'll be expecting to receive some packages when we drive back to mcallen in a few weeks! the other greenie that lives in our apartment is ALREADY obsessed with ties! It is crazy! I already have a lot too! but I don't care that much about nice ones. I just got a lot to proselyte in, so I don't feel bad about ruining nice ones!

this transfer is almost over, because it is only 5 weeks, but I think everyone that is here in Zapata will be staying until the next transfer at least. then I think my trainer will leave and they'll give me my next companion. they call that companion your 'breaker' because he breaks all the bad habits and quirks that you get from your trainer.

It got below 100 this week! only by one degree, but that's pretty nice. The governor of Texas just sent a bunch of national guardsmen to the boarder cities, they are not in Zapata, but it is very strange to be down here in general. but it doesn't really affect us much.

this week a woman bought us food from mcdonalds, I think that if this is how I'm going to be blessed on my mission, I am going to get very FAT! but right now we are biking a lot so I hope not to go too much in that direction! I hope the MTC gave me a bit of a buffer!

-Be Safe! I'll send pictures just as soon as I get these STUPID computers figured out! (Who knew that the Ghetto would have Terrible Computers!)

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