Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The one with the long awaited Lake-tism....

the hottest thing I've ever eaten, and the new church!

On thursday we had our zone conference and we got a chance to listen to a training from president maluenda. it lasted from 9 in the morning until 5 at night! I'll never complain about a sacrament meeting going over again!

 after that we raced back to Zapata to have Imanol's baptism. we weren't able to do it until 7:30, which was much later than anyone would have like us to do it, but it made for some great pictures! It was really great! It doesn't count as a convert baptism because the castillo's are members, but there is no one else to do the baptism here. I'm counting it! The Castillo family is also the lead in to my next story, about having to eat the hottest chilly of my life, I forget what it was called right now, but I wrote it in my journal. It was all because their inactive son said he would come to church for 2 months and drive all his younger siblings if I did it. And it was AWEFUL! I was in tears, my nose was running, I was sweating, My throat was swelling! But I did it and he came, like a man of his word. We hope he gets the priesthood soon too! that would back two whole aaronic priesthood holders down here in zapata!

we met another really cool family this week, I've never had an investigator ask if he could have the priesthood for his family on the second lesson before. they are very prepared!

the new church is great! we had 35 people this week, and that old apartment would only fit 28 without sitting on the stairs! so it came just in time! we had a great sunday, and hope to get more people at church soon.

I can't write too much longer, but I'm sorry to hear about Jessica, I had written her and a few others a letter, so I hope everyone has gotten those by now.
-Love you guys lots, Elder Duerst

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