Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The One With The Rattle Snake!

.... But it was dead and laying on the back of a flat bed truck! it still scared the poop out of me and Elder Johnson!

we have been having to go to Laredo 5 times a week now, and have not had a lot of time to work in our area in comparison to the 8 or 9 hours we typically would get. and our numbers were suffering all week, but we still were able to get a lot of work done, regardless!

I'm glad that people at home have been getting my letters, I was worried that they weren't getting to you guys. I got another letter from the Hurst's the other day, they write me a letter every month, it is really cool. did I tell you that a girl I met at college sent me cookies! that was way cool!... you guys could learn a little something from her! just kidding!

we have been teaching the torrez family, and they are awesome, but they are both already married to people in mexico, and unable to get legally married so they can get baptized! I have never been so frustrated about an investigator, everything was going great, they were excited and learning well, when you learn something like this! they do have an 8 year old and a 12 year old, maybe they will want them to be baptized?!

We had an inactive man named Hector Lopez (I'm almost sure I've mentioned him before) showed up for about 5 minutes of church on sunday! It was very frustrating to see a man who used to a branch president down here, not even be able to go to a whole hour of church!

we went tie digging again today! we found some bodegas that nobody really goes to, so they had some Great Ties! this one was outside so I took a pick to send to you guys, because mom said I didn't do a very good job at explaining them. normally they are inside through and SO HOT! they usually have industrial strengthen fans for the workers, but it's still terrible. I found a JZ Richards, they are my favorite kind of tie, mainly because they say boulder on the back, and the one I found today actually says Boulder, Colorado! It's Way Cool!

I hope you all have a great week! I haven't heard from many of you in a long time! I would really like to hear from all of you, especially those that are going through life changes and want to keep me in the look, "Yo Quiero la chisme!"

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