Monday, October 6, 2014

the one with plenty of exorcising and heart shaped rocks!

...Ok I didn't actually exorcise anyone... but we did caste a demon out of a house that was tormenting I guy! It was way crazy! than I gave him a blessing, because he was shaking uncontrollably for at least 3 days, and half way through he just stopped shaking and was at peace. we also had another super crazy experience with something that scared me even more than this, so much so that I don't think I could even put it into words in an email. but I definitely have a real realization in somethings that I used to not really care, or think about. I used to laugh at catholics that were weirded out by exorcisms and dark spirits and stuff... but it seems very real to me, to put it lightly. I'm very glad to be able to use my priesthood to help these people.

ON A LIGHTER NOTE! we met a crazy man who spends his time look for, collecting, and taking pictures of heart shaped rocks and other things in this world. He showed us all of them in detail one night... needless to say we did not get a lot done that night! he let us take a couple of them, but then he started circling his car in his driveway OVER AND OVER for like an hour, he much have some kind of OCD.

We started teaching a man named Simon, hopefully we will be able to baptize him next week, he loves tattoos, he loves getting them, giving them, and giving them to himself! when we showed him the scripture about our bodies our temple, in order to teach the word of wisdom, he asked us about tattoos and if they're bad. and we asked him if he thought the specific tattoos he got were defiling his body... he thought for a minute and said "my 666 maybe!" It was very funny! but it is interesting that the church as never really had a real doctrinal stance on tattoos, and I guess even temples have paintings on the inside, the temple probably wouldn't be as a pretty with out all the art edifying it... but that's just my own personal opinion, that's why I like the church so much, beca

use in most things people can make their own judgments about what they think is right on lots of things.

Simon went to general conference and I gave him a skull and cross-bones tie that I had bought, He gave us (me and johnson) knives, as well as said he would get us football shirts, I know we're not supposed to get gifts from members (or awesome investigators) but I like to think of it as more trading. He also really wanted to take us pig hunting with him. He said we wouldn't be using guns, we would just be using dogs and knives, it doesn't get much more manly than that! But I still don't think we can do it, we told him we will go with him and help, but we can't really do that sort of thing on our missions. Johnson LOVES hunting and killing things for fun, so he would have loved it! 

we had conference in our little church here in zapata, and we got to watch it in English, which is way nice, even if I can pick up most of the gospel lingo in spanish now. but if they start talking about food or stuff like that I am so lost. I really liked Elder Bednar's talk it was very good, especially about why we share the gospel with people. and I also  liked Holland's talk like always, especially when he said "I may not be my brother's keeper, but I am my brother's brother" it kinda just showed that we need to have more love and charity in our lives, even if that doesn't mean completely taking care of someone, at least we should care for them!

-Love you all, keep those emails up! miss you all lots, be safe. Elder Duets

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