Monday, October 20, 2014

The one with the large amounts of puppies...

...that led to a really cool experience. we where leaving our investigator Lorenzo's house (the one that we helped with our priesthood, that mom doesn't like to hear about) and we saw his neighbor sitting outside with about 7 lab puppies, he was waiting for someone to pick them up (these are the babies of the devil lab that I told some of you about earlier in my letters, but that dog has been missing for weeks). so we decided to talk with him really quick, we didn't teach him anything, but just wanted to invite him to church and told him about everything we do as missionaries. His name wan Angel and he said he was a vet. who was having some problems with PTSD. we didn't think much about it, and just continued to our next set appointment. but apparently he told lorenzo (because they are real good friends) that after we left he just felt the spirit so strongly that God loved him, so much so that he was in tears. Even though we didn't think much of it at the time, he was really hit by the spirit later on! it was so cool! now he wants to be taught, as well as another of lorenzo's friends, because he's seen a change in lorenzo! we had a training about how the church will grow like a tree, branching out. and it is very true!

we had another Lake-tism this tuesday! it was that man simon who I gave that skull tie to. he is seriously so cool! he would do anything for us, and is going to buy us hunting knives! which is great because I AM STAYING IN ZAPATA FOR ANOTHER TRANSFER! so feel free to send me anything for my birthday to there. I think it should take a week or two, so get on it! the baptism was seriously so cool! later that night he texted us to see if he could fast the rest of the week to prepare for the Holy Ghost! he is such a 'jefe' (boss)! he, like lorenzo, wants us to teach all of his friends!

at church the last two weeks we've had 33 and 32 people! the church is steadily growing! we had to be pretty blunt with a few members that haven't been going to church, which is hard to do for me sometimes, but it was really good, because they both came. we are growing every week, I'm very glad to be here for another transfer.

for my birthday, more than anything I just want some baked goods, kinda like what I got for my last birthday away from home. I do love those multi-chipped cookies, I would love enough to share. I am also completely out of those pens that I love. other than that you should just fill it with things that I can't buy here... like heart felt drawings by my nieces and nephews! Hand paintings! dorky crafts that julie does with them! THIS IS GOLD! I'm going to be sending some ties home fairly soon, not for me but for some of the men of the home. I was planning on sending some to dad and Jonah, just because I know that the
y go to church regularly enough to wear ties. but if anyone wants one just let me know! I have lots! but I don't know if I want to Send one to JONAH! because he has only written me like once! expect them sometime before christmas.

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