Monday, December 8, 2014

The one with the new companion

Johnson left early tuesday morning and Diaz and I were together for most of the day, because his companion got transferred too. We spent most of the day just cleaning the apartment, we did a very good job, if I don't say so myself, but the senior couple next door said we need to do a better job at dusting the lights... who the heck cares about dusting lights?!

My new companion is named Elder Perkins, and is from the same small town in Utah as Johnson. they even were in the same stake, which is incredible considering that in Utah there are probably a dozen stakes in even the smallest town. He is a very nice guy, he is almost as tall as Johnson, but he is A LOT skinnier! I hope we get along. He is very slow! just getting ready, and doing things in general... It is strange how slowly he moves, but he is a hard working when we FINALLY get out to work or out the door! He is a cool guy though, and always has the best attitude, which is ok... to an extent, but I find in a little fake at times, but at least he's a happy guy. 

We had a baptism again friday, we could only do it if the branch president Okay-ed that we did hid confirmation right after. the Zone leaders almost didn't let us baptize him, which was so stupid, luckily our new district leader, elder Smith was able to get a hold of the branch president and he let us do the confirmation. The zone leaders have been really bugging me the last couple of weeks, but I won't say too much, because one is sitting right next time me, and I am trying to stay more positive.

We have been working as hard as we can with the time we have. the bad thing is that we still have to go to laredo (2 hour round trip). so we lose a lot of time to work every night. but with the time we have we are doing the most good we can. I don't know why, but I have been in a very bad mood for a while now. I hope I pick myself up and quick, who anything is liable to happen. 

We stopped by one of our long time inactive members "hermana castillo" and she told us all about how she doesn't want to go to church anymore (not that she is going anyways) because church is where people that are trying to repent go, and she doesn't want to repent or change. I don't care what she does with her life, she has her agency, but her kids are suffering more and more, because of her selfishness! that has been bugging me too!

Diaz's new companion, Elder Thornton is from grand junction, so it is very cool to have someone else from colorado in the apartment. He seems nice enough, but he makes very strange noises. but at least I don't have to be with him all the time!

we found another secret member. he apparently was excommunicated when they convicted him of murder, but when they found him innocent they let him back in the church. but when he was in prison, "APPARENTLY" he created the D.A.R.E. program, which is a big anti-drug program that would always come to the school! I really doubt he really did though, but who knows?!

He had to fix our windshield this morning, we had a crack on windshield for the longest time, but we got it taken care of.

All-in-all it was a very trying week, and I really got to love my District leader a lot more for standing up for us to the zone leaders, even though it didn't work, It still feels good to at least have one leader that I love and respect.

-love you just a lot, I hope you enjoy the pictures, and can see how I made this average street sing awesome! Elder Duerst

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