Wednesday, December 24, 2014

the one with the tie burning

This week we had two separate Christmas parties. the first one was on Friday and was all the way up in Corpus Christi, they just had a quick training, then they had a lot of fun christmas skits and stuff like that. we even got the presents from the parents, I assume that you all sent one, that another missionary is enjoying right now. I traded a lot of the things I got for things that I really wanted. Like a blanket, new pillow case (because mine has been missing for the last 3 months for some reason), and a whoopi cushion!

The next day we had our little group's christmas party in zapata! we had about 45 people show up, which is more than we've ever had in the church at one time before! it was very cool to see so many people! it was a great way to celebrate the season. it was very humbling to literally see all of our hard work sharing the gospel and building a church here all be in the same room at the same time.

on thursday I celebrated my 6 month mark by burning a tie at our member, judy's house. it was very cool. I think that, knowing judy, there are lots of videos that will be on facebook soon! It's crazy to believe that it's already been 6 months! It is going to be weird to leave zapata (whenever that will happen?!) there are stories of people that stay in an area for 6 transfers! that's 9 months! I would be pretty sick of this little town by the I think!

It is the end of the Month, and like always all the leaders we have our trying to get a many baptisms as they can before January. I don't think we'll be having one though. none of our people will be ready by then. and I'm not going to rush something like that just for a zone goal!

Today we are going to go to a party that a member here in laredo invited us and all the missionaries in BOTH zones to! that's 2! and like 40 missionaries! (think about that, if you have problems feeding 4!) they are one of the coolest families that I have ever met! very humble and loving, especially toward the missionaries!

I got your emails, especially with the SKYPE account. I already told Jonah, But I should be getting on at about 1 YOUR TIME! MAYBE A LITTLE AFTER, DEPENDING IF ME OR PERKINS GOES FIRST. also I tried to log on to my skype account here at the library, but I can't add friends yet. but the password and everything worked. I can call home right before, I think it just has to be from a members phone, if needs be. so keep an eye on the phone and the computer. (the area code here is 956, but many of our members are from out of state, so just pick up any unknown area codes that come up!)

that's for all the great presents! it was very fun to open everything! I am pretty good at guessing some, and not others! that's for sure! I didn't send anything home, but we'll doing some shopping in laredo today, maybe I'll send home some fake cologne and perfume if I decide to! and I have been definately been sharing my gifts with the children at church. the dot-to-dot and tic-tac-toe actually kept the crazy kids we just baptized quiet for the whole sacrament meeting! It worked perfectly!

love you all lots, hopefully I see you all on thursday at 1ish!
Elder Duerst!

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