Monday, January 5, 2015

Frozen and Sweater Weather!

for new years we got to go to the church in Laredo and watch a movie... that's not made by the church! that is the one time that president lets us do that! this year we watched "Frozen" something I have never seen before the mission, but that would have been way less cool if I had seen it before the mission and then was just watching a movie I've already seen!

later that night we went to the apartments of some missionaries in Laredo North Zone and slept there. the underlining purpose of the movie was that we wouldn't be out on the roads after 6, so if we had driven all the way back to Zapata it would have defeated the purpose! the elders we stayed with were very nice, but the night sleep was terrible! I don't think I have slept that bad on my mission yet! then they woke us up at 4:30 to play basketball for 2 & half hours before the day! why 1 hour isn't enough I'll never know! But I "tried" to nap on the way back to Zapata, but our driver doesn't let anyone sleep, because he's so annoyingly loud sometimes!

we have been finding and teaching some really cool people, but it is weird teaching so many people when I'm almost certain that I'll be out of here in a week. that's not for certain, but I need to do something, get some kind of change or I'll go insane! Elder Perkins is a great guy, and Jonah told me that I have to love him, and I do. But he is SOO SLOW! never have I seen some one take 20 minutes to brush there teeth before! I don't quite see how, but he does! we started this strategy where we tell him that we need to be somewhere 10 minutes earlier than we actually do need to! this way he's only making us 5 minutes later than he usually does! there are many other things, but I'm sticking in there, and my sanity is still there.. most days.

I lost my USB in our zone leaders truck, I hope I can find it. it had all the photos that I got from other missionaries cameras. but I think I can get it before transfers next week, if not I have all the pictures on my camera, which our plenty! I have an extra USB, so I'm re-backing everything up on that.

yesterday we found a kid who was a history major like me. but he wasn't a history Ed. major like me. haha! always scouting the job competition for the job market! he can have all the jobs down here, I don't think I'd want to live down here after the mission, that's for sure!

I got a chance to ride my bike since it got fixed, and the chain being repaired made it SO much better! I bought some lubricant at walmart, so it won't get messed up again! I hope that it works out!

My package should be getting to Paul's house Today! so look out for that! there are lots of good stuff there! sorry all the letters are out of date now, it took a while to get the package sent! just ignore all the stuff about me wishing you a happy new year!

hope everyone that is about to have babies are doing well! love you all lots! hope everything goes well with dad's MRI. I'm sure if they find anything TOO bad, they'll let me know here as soon as they can. I hear stories about missionaries getting calls for medical emergencies / deaths in the family all the time.

it's been abnormally cold here too! it's been 34 whole degrees!!! good thing I have the spirit of God or else I would be really cold!
-Love you guys! Elder Duerst!

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