Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The one with the transfer call that FINALY CAME!

On Monday, January 12, 2015 2:01 PM, Noah Duerst <> wrote:

Usually the transfer calls come sunday morning at about 8 or 9 in the morning, but these ones came about an hour ago! needless to say a LITTLE LATE! there was a lot of changing around, so it is kind of understandable. luckily I assumed that I would be leaving so I started packing a little last night, I still think tonight will be a long night and an early morning, but I assume that the nights before transfer always are! (the in bed by 10:30 rule is temporally disregarded mission wide!)

I will NOT be in Zapata next transfer, instead I will be going down to Llano Grande (which is in McAllen) there I will have one of the biggest and most establish wards in the entire mission to help the missionary work! (very different than going from meeting in an apartment with about a dozen people, to opening our own building, and baptizing in a lake because we didn't have a font) needless to say, it will be a change for sure, I will miss Zapata a lot! Simon gave me the knife that he bought for me right after his baptism last night, it took me longer than any of the other missionaries in zapata to get it, but it was definitely worth the wait! He carved my name into it with cursive!

this week was a tougher one with Perkins, but I feel as though we ended very positively and I have definitely learned a lot from him. I see that I have been forced to change. it was very weird to say good bye to people last night, when I wasn't completely sure I was leaving, but I'm glad I did!

This week absolutely flew by! this whole transfer did! they say that the mission goes faster and faster! and the longer that I'm out the more I see that is very much the truth!

I have been reading in the old testament, because my goal for this year is to read the whole quad cover to cover for the first time in a role! It is very interesting, I still feel like I find things that really help me even in these old stories that I have been raised on! 

to answer some questions.

I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW THE GENDER OF YOUR BABIES! Do all you can to NOT tell me! simple birthdays and they're healthy will suffice!

I DO NOT KNOW MY NEW ADDRESS, but I will know by next week! (being in mcallen, I will get the letters sent to the mission home A LOT faster than it did in zapata, so that might just be a lot easier!)

-Love you Guys, Elder Duerst! XOXOXOXO

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