Monday, April 27, 2015

the one with the fireflies and lightning! and new bikes!

My new transfer is still in "Weslaco" and my new companion is named Elder De Piano, he is very different than Elder Angles was, and in very many ways a lot the same! they're both natives, and they are both not very social. but Elder De Piano is a lot more caring. he shows it a little differently, but I think that God put us together for a reason, he's trying to get me to be more serious, I told him I'd work on it, but I'm not about to be another Elder Angles or even just like him, being me has been the way I've seen a lot of success. so we'll see how it goes!
we were working with this lady who wanted to get here 10 yr old daughter baptized, and we (my comp.) pushed her pretty hard and the mom (who's an inactive woman and a real peace of work) just shut down! hopefully we can do some damage control tonight and help the daughter because that's who it's really about. we'll see.
Oh, they changed our areas up again! I'm still in the same apartment and now I'm only working in the south half of Weslaco, which is very do-able on bikes, which is good, because they took our car all together, it was a good month a half with it though! And I got a new Bike! there is a senior missionary that we visited that lives in our area now and he had a couple of missionary bikes just collecting dust in his garage, and we jokingly asked him if we could trade (because neither I nor De Piano had very good bikes and he said yes!) so now I have a very nice Trek, it is bigger, and everything seems nicer about it! it's actually nice enough to ship home at the end of mission (if it doesn't get too trashed over that next year!)
fireflies! there are SO many of them! I think it's that time of the year! I remember going somewhere to vacation as a kid and seeing them, I don't remember where they were, but it is still very nostalgic. It seems like every season brings a cool new insect! I just wish cockroaches weren't a year round one! 
last night there was SO much lightning it was super intense! good thing that 2 story houses are super rare here in the valley, I didn't feel like our little apartment would get hit! but it was pretty awesome to say the least!
I'm glad to hear about the sisters weekend! and that james is so helpful! I wish someone (Jessica! cough, COUGH) would tell me more about this new man watching El Nino and Keygan! haha! why is Forrest going to Utah?! won't that make him every seeing the boys very VERY difficult?!
I got the Easter letter! I'm getting some ready to send out ASAP! sorry to hear that grandma was having trouble with her throat!
Love you guys! Elder Duerst!

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