Saturday, May 30, 2015

the one with the CALL

so this Tuesday night while we were about to go to sleep the the AP's called and Elder De Piano got the call to be a District Leader next transfer. I didn't really care, it was kinda expected, he's a good enough missionary and old enough in the mission, so we both kind of saw it coming. then the phone rings again! for me this time! not to be a District leader but to train! I'm super excited! we don't know who's leaving and who's going to stay yet. but because I got the training call that means I have to be with my greenie next transfer!
on thursday we got to go to McAllen to go to some trainings for all the new trainers and District Leaders. we learned a lot of stuff. but what I took from it was that being a leader isn't about position of authority (because for a lot of missionaries it is) it's about serving others. and the other thing that I learned was that whenever I feel like criticizing a leader all I need to do is realize who called the leader, and get reassured by that.
this Sunday we had the big family at church again, and they all passed their interviews for baptism. all they need to do now is go to church a couple of more times (because the mission changed how long people need to go to church, which is alright) I know they'll get baptized, whether it's with me and my greenie (my son! or Mi Hijo) or Elder De Piano and a new companion!
we're still waiting for the transfer calls! we know one of us leaving, but I want to stay and so does he, so neither are packing. we don't want to jinx it! I've been writing some letters to some of the members here just in case though. (SO IF YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEND SOMETHING TO THE 1608 WESTMONT ADDRESS... DON'T, just send it to the mission office)
I LAUGHED super loud when I heard about Keygan pooping everywhere! I am such a child!.. but that's the stuff I miss! HAHA!
Sorry I didn't write more, but I have to send out an end of the transfer mass email too! love ya'll! hope you have a good week!
-Elder Duerst

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