Saturday, May 30, 2015

the one with the "Mexican Gatorade"

This week we've been working a lot with the Herrera Family, they are all really cool and I don't doubt that they'll get baptized very soon! I don't think they'll make their goal though. but that doesn't matter too much, as long as they get baptized.
we've been working a lot with the inactive members. we helped the Rangel family a lot with service this week, and the daughters came to sacrament meeting! (they live like a half of a block from the church! they really shouldn't have an excuse not to go!) the non-member dad is super funny, as we were helping him clean out their garage he kept on drink beers and he kept on calling them his "mexican gatorades!" it was super funny for some reason to us!
We've also been working with the Standard family some too! it seems like they have a very strong testimony and yet getting them to go to church is very hard. It doesn't make sense.
anyways, that watch is the watch that I meant and it sounds like you found the ring too. I think that's all I'll need. unless you want to send some bike tubes in the package too. that's all I can really think of.
there really hasn't been anything new to mention sense last night. it was good to see everyone. even Jessica's new boyfriend. he looks like the reacher in the relationship! so that's good! I approve of such things!
-Love you guys a lot! Elder Duerst!

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