Monday, July 6, 2015

the 4th and Transfers

So We got our transfer calls at about 3 o'clock on Monday which is a lot better when it comes to being able to say goodbye to people... if I were saying goodbye to anybody! so I'm staying here in Weslaco for another transfer! 7 1/2 months is such a long time! but it's ok! by the time I leave, I'll be REALLY ready to go.
Elder McLaughlin has a very weird sense of humor. he has his moments though. He's been really big into Puns laterly! so cheesy! he was trying to tell me some history stuff and it just all ends up to be a set up for a pun! We're still working on the same people. we found this cool guy named Roman the other day. he's a disabled veteran so he says he's always home. we're going to try and pass by more this week and see if he's willing to act. that's been the problem more and more, is finding people willing to act.
The fourth was a lot of fun! we had a Zone meeting until 3, then had to be back at the house at 6. (because of all the drinking that goes on, they didn't want us one the roads after that) so we didn't have a whole lot of time to proselyte that day. we went back to the apartment and a Recent Convert, Carlos got us some Chil-fil-a. we wanted to see if he could come into our apartment and play monopoly, but the ZL's said he had to stay outside. so we just played on the porch! haha! I won too!
We had a confirmation this sunday, and I wasn't able to get the Bishop's signature before he left out of town, which I guess is a big no-no! It looks like it's back to junior comp for me! Everything will get figured out! our Bishop will understand! and The ZL's won't have much to say other than, "don't do it again"... I hope! haha!
My District leader is really glad I'm staying. he just came into the area last transfer and is really worried about not knowing the ward very well yet. I hope he's ready for me to leave next time though. because 6 transfers in the same area is super unheard-of, not impossible, just really rare.
p.s. the mini-golf is a photo I got from the ZL's from about a month ago, it was our p-day activity

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