Monday, August 24, 2015

Adrian's baptism and Interviews with the President

this Tuesday we had our interviews with President Maluenda. This is weird to think that I've had my last three interviews with him while I've been in this one area! But I think this will be my last. This time it was just our zone. most of the times we are with one other zone. but this time we didn't. it still took us like 8 hours! (that's a long time to be in the chapel going through trainings from the APs!, I never want to do what they do. they have to do 8 hour meetings 4 times a week for a whole month!) anyways the interview went great. they always seem to go well. I had my longest one at like 25 minutes, and that felt like a long time. I don't know how the Sisters can talk to him for over an hour! it's crazy to me!
the next do we had our investigators Adrian and Javier (the son of the Herrera's, that has been going to church) get interviewed by our District leader, Elder Blackman. he is an awesome guy, I really enjoy his company!
On Wednesday we had roleplays, and McLaughlin was acting very upset after. Apparently he doesn't like it when I give him correction after role-plays. I told him that I'll try to do it more loving-ly, but he needs to not be so offended by feed-back, because it's how you improve and it will happen for the rest of his mission (and probably life, especially if he's doing something where improvement it required). He also didn't like when I call him out for making up history facts. You'd think he'd realize by now that that's one of my pet peeves. But I'm going to try and just humor him, and not let it bug me so much! I just hope it doesn't sink in, or else I'll need to change majors!
On saturday I did a splits with Elder Blackman. and it seemed like everything that could have gone wrong did, and it all just added up to one of the longest, hottest days of my mission! but those days are the best to look back on fondly... they just suck when you're experiencing them! Blackman also let me play with his ukelele, they're really easy to play, I may get one before the mission is up! 
So on sunday we had Adrian's baptism! it was awesome to see a member being able to help is friend be baptized. I've never had such a prepared / easy baptism in my whole mission! I've had prepared people before, but this by far takes the cake! 
After church we had to work our butts off to try and reach all our weekly goals, the Zone Leaders committed us to hit them all. and we were able to do just about all of them! it was a lot of work though! and I slept good last night! I haven't had a day like that in a longtime!

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