Monday, July 6, 2015

The McLympics! and other stuff!

This week has been good. the weather has been getting hotter and hotter. My companion's family says that there is a tropical storm that my hit the gulf, I think that would be cool to experience while on my mission, just not on a bike Please! 
Last P-Day we played will nerf bullets, but we weren't able to use guns, so we blow them at each other out of a PVC pipes. the Zone leaders have been trying really hard to do a whole lot of fun things to increase "animo" (excitement) and unity. hence this lovely picture we took! it was a completion do see who could do the most funny picture for the McLymics (McAllen and Olympics)
we've been teaching this really cool lady who's dating an inactive guy, he has a really strong testimony and is really excited to see her being taught. they came to church sunday and even brought another family member to start taking lessons! not even a member yet and already a member missionary! Our Elder's Quorum president also brought to church someone interested in learning! members and awesome! especially when they do missionary work!
I'm glad to hear the Jill is home! that is exciting to hear! I've been hearing that not everyone has been getting my letters! there have been a lot of them. I have had a lot of free time on P-Day with all the time I'M NOT SPENDING READING EMAILS FROM MY FAMILY! (that's right, I'm talking to you, everyone but mom, dad, and Jean!)
Oh, I haven't got my box yet, I hope it gets there today, did you send it to my house or the mission office?!
Anyways! I hope everyone has a good week! Love you all lots!
-Elder Duerst!
p.s. I sent a package of my own home today full of ties for some people!

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