Monday, July 6, 2015

the one with Destiny's baptism!

This week was pretty un-eventful. We were able to get Destiny, another Herrera child baptized, she's been going to church with them the whole time, but she was sick the day of the baptism, but we were able to have the baptism yesterday after church. it was crazy and we were running around like chickens with our heads cut off just to do it! but it all worked out alright!
the work has been going pretty slow lately, but we are working really hard to find people prepared through the members. we found this super nice lady named kate through the relief society president, she has a lot of potential but is very busy. finding people like her are who we're looking for from the members! We've been trying this new model for member lessons, that I'm super excited for.
I had to "correct" my greenie the other day, but I did it with a lot of love, that really makes all the difference. I know that D&C 121 warns that if you don't correct with love they'll take you to be their enemy. and that's pretty darn true!
the weather has been warming up, I just hope that I get moved to a car area next transfer so I don't have to spend both of my summers here in texas riding around on a bike! I lost 5 pounds this transfer. which is just more evidence of how bipolar the waist-line of Elder Duerst really is! but it feels good to be under what I came out as again!
I'm glad to hear that Jill is well enough to go to the clinic, I'm going to be sending her mail as much as I can, I hope that she can get mail! it sounds like she has a lot of rules! I feel that! haha!
Anyways! I hope you all have a great week! I'm sending a lot of Birthday Letters out this week! so if your Birthday is coming up you should keep an eye on your mail box! (unless I don't have your address, then you should look at Mom or Dad's mailbox!)
-Love ya'll lot! Elder Duerst!

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