Monday, July 6, 2015

the one with the year from home mark!

Today is my year from Home mark! which means that everyday from now on will be last of my mission. my last June 2nd, my last Independence day, my last thanksgiving, my last christmas, etc.! it's weird to think about being on the back end of my mission, but I knew it would happen sooner or later.
we were able to get the Herrera family confirmed yesterday. but they left right after sacrament, because they said the kids were being bad or some other silly excuse like that. they tried to bring 2 extra kids this time. they seemed a little more stressed out walking into church than they usually do with there typical 6. We're working really hard on reactivating this family, and that is going really well. the husband is not a member and they have a 7 year old turning 8 and a 10 year old that want to get baptized. so that's exciting.
Elder McLaughlin is very strange sometimes. but he really opened up to me this week about his life. he had a very hard childhood at school. but he has a good heart (I just wish it wasn't so hopelessly in love with his Girlfriend and a little more focused on the people here, but that will definitely come as his mission progresses! haha!) we get along quite well! no real complaints! there is nothing wrong with being a little strange, we all are in some way or another! haha!)
this saturday I did an exchange with the district leader, his first one as a District leader, and my first as a senior comp. it went pretty well but we weren't able to find anyone to teach. we did find a guy who want to bash with us about how God and Jesus and the same and how every time Jesus prayed the spirit of God left him so he could talk to God in heaven. Sounds to me like he's making a lot of random assumptions to make is work for his ideas. but what really but the nail in the coffin was when he said that he didn't believe that God used the Holy Ghost to talk to us, that was when I realized there is never going to be anything we could say or teach that could convince this guy of anything right now is his life. because even if the spirit hit him like a brick he would deny it! frustrating happy Christians! then it started raining super, SUPER hard, but we were already on our way home, so that was a tender mercy, even though we were soaked we could get dry right after. It makes me feel bad for the pioneers that crossed the plains and were wet for weeks when it would rain for days and days without stopping. Today is the first day of Hurricane season, and there are 3 separate hurricanes predicted, so odds are at least 1 will hit. something I'd like to experience, but just not on a bicycle!
I'm glad to hear that Jill is safe and slowly recovering. I'll try my best to send her some mail in the coming weeks. so keep an eye out for it and get it too as soon as you can! I hope that she continues to get the help she needs and lots of visits from everyone!
-Love you all lots, hope you find those tender mercies even in the bad day! Elder Duerst!

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