Tuesday, November 10, 2015

conference and Rio Pride!

this week was been full of hard work and lots of tender mercies! we hit our standard of excellence for lessons with members present! My Trainer who is now our AP called on friday and challenge us to get 10 people to conference! we worked really hard! we even missed the first talk of the saturday afternoon session... I think christofferson can wait until our mormon.org time to watch!... I'm still a little sore that Tad R. Callister wasn't called... God must be saving his big guns for when the world realllly goes bad it seems! haha!
on the 29th one of our members was celebrating her birthday and took us to wingstop. she had her friends there and we picked 2 up as investigators, one came to mutual and conference (he actually dressed up for church too! when all our young men in the branch were wearing hoodies and t-shirts! he say us in suits and said... I need to get me a blazer! SO cool!) I think he may have a crush on the member, but if that's what he needs to get in the door and have us teach him... It'll work! chapter 14in' for days!
Elder Alonso gets in bad moods and acts grumpy... he's a funny nut to crack! I have a feeling that we will be together for 2 transfers here in Roma! my companions have been with me for 1 then 2 then 1 then 2 then 1 then 2 then 1... I think the odds are we'll be together next transfer too!
I made a Rio District flag! it's so dorky! but that's the kind of missionary I am! it's fun! I wouldn't trade it for any other assignment here in the mission! I drew a missionary doing the pose from black ops with squirt guns in his hands, because having squirt gun fights is what entertains us before meetings and p-days! it's pretty great! it's black! and there's a quote by Good Ole Tad R. Callister that says "they are missionaries who carry no white flags!"
well I love ya'll lots! I'll talk with you more next week! we're having mission tour coming up! they say an apostle is coming this time. I wonder if it'll be one of the new ones. last time it was a member of the 70 (foster, he spoke in conference) but Oaks randomly came to visit a stake conference... so he just met with all the Elders while he was here. so not TECHNICALLY for mission tour. we'll see what happens!
-Elder Duerst!

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