Tuesday, December 22, 2015


This monday I knew that I was going to be transfered, and they also told me to go to the special meeting before transfers for all the new Zone Leaders and STLs, so from afternoon I knew I was going to be a Zone Leader! on tuesday I found out that I was going down to brownsville! It's on the very tip of texas! I have always wanted to serve there!

My new companion is actually an old friend from laredo, his name is Elder Hallmark. he's super fun kid! if you look back on my emails, he was with me for 3 day training a little ways back! funny how that works out. he has to go home 2 weeks before the end of the transfer though, so that'll be interesting! I don't know if they'll just call another ZL from another part of the mission or move one of our DLs here up, it'll be really interesting!

The zone here is awesome there are 24 missionaries, so it used to be the biggest zone in the mission, but now, after they combined a few of them it's the 3rd biggest, but it's still pretty big! we live in a house, one of about 3 in the whole mission with 2 other elders. one of the elders just started training, and he is super lazy! he's always sleeping! he slept until 7:10 the other day! (we didn't catch him until then because we play basketball at 5:30 every morning now!) I really love it down here! it's so weird, it just feels exactly where I need to be! the ZL here before me as here for his last 4 transfers! I would have no problem doing that at all! there is only one engish ward and 4 or 5 spanish down here, and of course I'm in English again! but that's ok! I feel like I can share the Gospel a lot better in English anyways!

We had mini-missionaries with us this weekend, our two were very cool, but many of them didn't speak spanish, and that's the majority here in Brownsville, and you could tell which ones had snuck their phones and complained to mommy and daddy, because we'd get texts from over protective parents. with texts like "can you move my son to engish?" or something like that. little did they know there is not enough english areas for everyone to get what they want. it was a really good experience though!

I've never been so busy in my entire mission! It reminds me of being at home and trying to do all those classes at college! but here there's no weekends or friends to De-Rez!

Love you all lots! See you on Christmas!
-Elder Duerst!

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