Monday, February 22, 2016

MLC, Interviews, The one with Hallmark going home and the salinas family

This week we had MLC for all the zone leaders and STLs, it was really good. they talked about the importance of calling people to repentance and Baptizing... Converts. I got a chance to work with Elder Ivey, he's one of the APs and it was really good.

Then on wednesday we did a quick two hour zone meeting (that's weird to think that 2 hours is something quick) it was really good, we did our training about our calling, so we printed out mini copies of our call letters.. it was a very spiritual training. Our is having a very slow start this month, we have a lot of people ready to be baptized the coming weeks so we're excited!

Then on Thursday we had interviews! it was really good! it was the best interview I've had with President yet, we were able to talk about a lot of good things and he's always full of really good advice. there's one person in our zone that I needed guidance for more than the rest! after that we got the chance to work with the AP's again. this time I was with Elder Johnson! it was awesome. After that we ran a "youth night" as a zone. there were about 30 kids there! (which I think is a great turn out, but I guess there've been upwards of 50 in the past!) we did all these stations of missionary tasks, like sewing on a button, pumping up a tire... but they all had to do it while tied to a "companion" like a crazy three legged race! it was a lot of fun!

This week we were able to go and visit the family of this recent convert from the YSA ward, and we started to teach the whole family. the mom and daughter are super cool and they even came to this ward Pot-luck they had at our ward for the whole purpose of missionary work. we were able to do a super good church tour... probably the best one of my mission. they all accepted BD's, but they weren't at church because the husband was sick. we really hope they come next week. we had other investigators at church.... but I feel so much love for this family, I really hope they keep on progressing.

Elder Hallmark is going home tomorrow, he's dying really well. it has been weird to be with someone finishing their mission. I still don't know who my next companion will be. it makes me frustrated when they don't tell me stuff like that, I think it's just so dumb!

anyways... I hope Everyone has a good week. I didn't talk to President about you all coming down, because you told me not to. my next interview will be just a couple of months before I leave, so we'll see. you need to make up your mind if you want to come down. or not.

-Love you lots! Elder Duerst!

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