Monday, February 22, 2016

The one without a companion & the trip to the zoo!

This week has been one of the weirdest weeks of my mission! This tuesday Hallmark got a ride from a member to Harlingen (the next town further north of here) where he got picked up by the APs. I was expecting to get my new companion that day, maybe the next. but it's been a whole week now, and I think they'll just finish the last week of the transfer without a companion. it's been super hard to a solo zone leader after only being one for a few weeks. but it's taught be a lot of appreciation to have someone to help me. working in the area has been difficult. we've only had about 2 1/2 nights to work in our area. we had the salinas family at church this sunday! the mom, the daughter, and even the grouchy grandma came! we can see her heart softening and it's awesome and happening so much faster than I ever expected!

Church was stake conference... and it was a disaster! the internet feed (from the stake center in harlingen) cut out after the first 30 minutes and the next 30 minutes the leaders ran around. luckily there is an Elder in our zone that can play the piano and he got a song going. then several people gave testimonies. it was sad to see things go so bad. but the investigators that are actually are prepared weren't deterred.

Yesterday we went to the zoo! the only zoo in mission boundaries! I got most of the zone to go! there were still the occasional sticks in the mud, but it was such an awesome experience. one thing that I did was I had my friend Elder Martin narrate what the animals were doing and / or thinking! it was super funny! 

We had a good week as a zone, all the district leaders have really been stepping up and I've been busy interviewing and doing everything I can. this month is going to have a stressful end. but that's the point of setting goals, if you don't feel stressed out at the end, then you're not pushing yourself enough.

Tomorrow will be a broadcast and I'm still trying to figure out all the logistics to that, because I don't want the internet to put out for out missionary broadcast.

I spent my morning raking the leaves in our front yard a little bit with the latest conference talks playing in spanish from the truck's stereo. I think it was a great De-stresser! We have a miracle baptism coming up! the family two elders have been teaching actually have a daughter who is 8! it's kind of a "face-palm" moment (like why didn't you ask) / super cool miracle! that'll happen tomorrow too!

-Love you all lots! Elder Duerst!

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